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Animal Performance Systems (APS) - Weighing & EID

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What is a livestock scale?

A livestock scale is a specially designed scale used to measure the weight of livestock. It is mainly used in the agriculture and livestock industry to monitor and optimise the health and growth of livestock.

Why are cattle weighed?

Cattle are weighed for various reasons, such as checking growth, determining the right amount of food and medicine, identifying diseases and determining selling price.

How does a livestock scale work?

A livestock scale works by placing the animal on the weighing plate and reading the weight on a digital display. The weighing plate is usually made of steel or aluminium and is strong enough to support the animal's weight. Some livestock scales run on electricity, while others run on batteries.

For which animals is a livestock scale suitable?

A livestock scale is suitable for different types of livestock, such as cows, sheep, goats and pigs.

What types of livestock scales are there?

Various types of livestock scales are available, including single-plate scales, platform scales, mobile scales and scales with a portable indicator.

Weighing capacity of a livestock scale

The weighing capacity of a livestock scale varies, depending on the model and the size of the weighing plate. Most livestock scales have a capacity of several hundred to thousands of kilograms.

Pay attention to this when buying a livestock scale

There are several factors to consider when buying a livestock scale, such as the size and weight of the livestock, the desired weighing capacity and the location of the scale.

What is a livestock weighing bar?

A livestock scale is a weighing system used to measure the weight of livestock, such as cows, sheep, pigs and horses. It is a mobile and portable device consisting of a set of beams, on which the animal stands, and a weighing indicator.

What is a livestock weighing bar used for?

The livestock weighing bar is used to determine the weight of the animal. This is important in, for example, determining the animal's health, the food it needs and when selling it.

How does a livestock weighing bar work?

The livestock scales work on the principle of measuring the force the animal exerts on the bars. When the animal stands on the beams, they deflect slightly. The degree of deflection is proportional to the animal's weight. This deflection is converted into an electrical signal that is sent to the weighing indicator, which indicates the animal's weight.

What types of livestock scales are there

There are different types of livestock weighing bars, including electronic and mechanical livestock weighing bars. Electronic livestock scales have higher accuracy and are easier to use, while mechanical livestock scales are more durable and less prone to malfunction.

Weighing capacity of a livestock scales

The weighing capacity of a livestock scales can vary depending on the model and manufacturer. Generally, livestock scales have a weighing capacity of minimum 1000 kg to maximum 5000 kg or more.

Pay attention to this when buying a livestock weighing bar

If you want to buy a livestock weighing bar, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Weighing capacity: choose a livestock weighing bar with the right weighing capacity for the animals you want to weigh. It is important to choose a weighing bar capable of carrying the weight of your heaviest animal.
  • Accuracy: choose a livestock scale with high accuracy to ensure you get reliable measurement results. It is recommended to choose a livestock weighing bar with an accuracy of at least 0.5% of the weighing capacity.
  • Durability: choose a livestock weighing bar that is robust, durable and can withstand the conditions on your farm. For example, choose a weighing bar with a sturdy frame and a protective coating to prevent rusting.
  • Connectivity: some livestock scales are equipped with modern technologies such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity. This can be useful if you want to automatically transfer measurement data to a computer or other device.

Requirements for a livestock weighing bar

If you buy a livestock weighing bar, there are also some accessories you might need, such as a weighing indicator, a display, a portable charger and a weighing platform. Make sure you check these accessories before making your purchase.